Over the last several years the sport of catfishing has advanced in popularity tremendously. Unfortunately, the catfishing segment has remained fragmented and seemingly lost without a proper direction and stability like found within other segments of the recreational fishing industry.
In a revised 2018 published report prepared by the United States Fish and Wildlife Services, it was reported an estimated 8.1 million angler’s targeted catfish spending 74 million days annually of fishing. The 8.1 million angler’s represents 22.6% of the estimated 35.8 million US anglers and 19% of the annual days fishing of the estimated 373 million freshwater fishing days spent annually on the water nationally.
With the surprising statistics and number of dedicated catfish anglers, it remains an obvious supposition that the catfishing segment has reached a market maturity that would support and welcome its own dedicated association.
With the aforementioned in mind, many of the industry leaders and organization Bill Dance Outdoors, B’n’M Rods, SeaArk Boats, Mississippi River Monsters, Offshore Tackle and RIGRAP, just to name a few, have come together to form and support the creation of what has been branded as the American Catfishing Association™ or ACA for short. The ACA is being developed to be the opportunity leader offering substantial benefits to the catfishing community through organized direction, regulation reform, conservation, government and industry partnerships, industry continuity, unified public relations, tournament regulations and cooperation, and most importantly a significant membership benefit and information program.
With the help of the many dedicated catfish anglers throughout the nation, the early objective of the American Catfishing Association™ will be to secure a minimum of a 1/10th of 1% membered anglers of the reported 8.1 million dedicated catfish anglers.
The objective of the American Catfishing Association™ is to be a unification conduit for individual anglers, product and service providers, retailers, tournament and event organizers, and as an ambassador to the public regarding the great sport of catfishing.
Just a few of the benefits to be offered by the association to its membership and public visitors will be, but not limited to the following:
Public Resources (free of charge)
Conservation and Regulation information
Federal Resources
State Resources
State Licensing
Species Illustrations
Social Media Links
Industry News
Merchandise/ACA Store
Event Calendar
TV/Radio/Web Shows
Organization Links
Pro. Guides Index/Roster (Searchable)
Sponsorship Index/Roster (Searchable)
Affiliates Index/Roster (Searchable)
Charter Membership (Special LIFETIME Individual Membership) $1000
Limited to only 150 individuals, a Charter Member is defined as a recreational fisherman that fish for pleasure, sport and/or tournament participation. A Charter member will receive a special designation, a lifetime membership and free access to all ACA events. (Bold/Italic Descriptions Are Member Only Benefit Features)
Lifetime Membership
Special Designation
Free Access To ACA Events
Personal Profile
State Records
Conservation and Regulation info
Federal Resources
State Resources
State Licensing
Species Illustrations
Species Habits
Social Media Links
Community Forums
Industry News
Merchandise/ACA Store
ACA Newsletter
Tips and Techniques
Event Calendar
TV/Radio/Web Shows
Tournament Directory
Free Classified Ads
Organization Links
Discounts and Promotions
Pro. Guides Index/Roster (Searchable)
Sponsorship Index/Roster (Searchable)
Affiliates Index/Roster (Searchable)
Membership Index/Roster (Searchable)
Angler Limited Membership (individual limited features membership) $25
An Angler Limited Member is defined as a recreational fisherman that fish for pleasure, sport and/or tournament participation. (Bold/Italic Descriptions Are Limited Member Only Features)
Personal Profile (basic)
State Records
Conservation and Regulation info
Federal Resources
State Resources
State Licensing
Species Illustrations
Species Habits
Social Media Links
Industry News
Merchandise/ACA Store
ACA Newsletter
Tips and Techniques
Event Calendar
TV/Radio/Web Shows
Organization Links
Discounts and Promotions (limited)
Pro. Guides Index/Roster (Searchable)
Sponsorship Index/Roster (Searchable)
Affiliates Index/Roster (Searchable)
Angler Membership (individual and family annual memberships) $50/$100
An Angler Member is defined as a recreational fisherman that fish for pleasure, sport and/or tournament participation. (Bold/Italic Descriptions Are Member Only Benefit Features)
Personal Profile
State Records
Conservation and Regulation info
Federal Resources
State Resources
State Licensing
Species Illustrations
Species Habits
Social Media Links
Community Forums
Industry News
Merchandise/ACA Store
ACA Newsletter
Tips and Techniques
Event Calendar
TV/Radio/Web Shows
Tournament Directory
Free Classified Ads
Organization Links
Discounts and Promotions
Pro. Guides Index/Roster (Searchable)
Sponsorship Index/Roster (Searchable)
Affiliates Index/Roster (Searchable)
Membership Index/Roster (Searchable)
A Family membership would include a couple or single parent and up to 3 minors (under 18 years of age)
Sponsor Membership $500 to $5000
A Sponsorship Member is defined as a product or Retail Company that manufactures, distributes, or sells to the fishing community. i.e., ABC Sporting Goods or XYZ Lure Company (Bold/Italic Descriptions Are Member Only Benefit Features)
Company/Product Profile
State Records
Conservation and Regulation info
Federal Resources
State Resources
State Licensing
Species Illustrations
Species Habits
Social Media Links
Community Forums
Industry News
Merchandise/ACA Store
ACA Newsletter
Tips and Techniques
Event Calendar
TV/Radio/Web Shows
Tournament Directory
Free Classified Ads
Organization Links
Discounts and Promotions
Pro. Guides Index/Roster (Searchable)
Sponsorship Index/Roster (Searchable)
Affiliates Index/Roster (Searchable)
Membership Index/Roster (Searchable)
Sponsorship Special Services
Access to Statistics, Marketing and Information Services
Video Promotions
Banner Ads
Email Marketing Services
Newsletter Content and Promotions
Guide and Affiliate Membership $250
A Guide/Affiliate Member is defined as a service, event, guide, or media organization. i.e., ABC insurance or XYZ Charter Fishing & Guide Services (Bold/Italic Descriptions Are Member Only Benefit Features)
Company/Product Profile
State Records
Conservation and Regulation info
Federal Resources
State Resources
State Licensing
Species Illustrations
Species Habits
Social Media Links
Community Forums
Industry News
Merchandise/ACA Store
ACA Newsletter
Tips and Techniques
Event Calendar
TV/Radio/Web Shows
Tournament Directory
Free Classified Ads
Organization Links
Discounts and Promotions
Pro. Guides Index/Roster (Searchable)
Sponsorship Index/Roster (Searchable)
Affiliates Index/Roster (Searchable)
Membership Index/Roster (Searchable)
Guide/Affiliate Special Services
Access to Statistics, Marketing and Information Services
Video Promotions
Banner Ads
Email Marketing Services
Newsletter Content and Promotions
In exchange, the American Catfishing Association™ will become the voice of its valued membership providing Conservations leadership, education, governess and benefit programs. As an example of these programs, the association’s objective will be to provide, offer and administer just some of the following programs:
Local, State and National Conservation efforts
Political and policy changes to advance the sport of catfishing (PAC)
Enhanced membership benefit offerings and programs
Unified tournament rules and regulations
Event endorsements and sanctions
Membership conduct policy
Industry awareness and promotions
National promotional efforts to advance the interest in the sport of catfishing
Advisory Council and Committee administration
Creation And Administration Of A Catfishing Hall Of Fame
Sanctioned Tournament Points and Awards Program
Marketing and Promotional opportunities
One of the paramount tasks of the American Catfishing Association™ will be to develop continuity throughout the catfishing segment. To start, the association will develop several policies, affiliations, award programs, and recognition features.
Comprehensive Conservation Efforts
Tournament affiliations and exclusive events (sanctioned events)
Annual Points System awarded to Tournament Anglers that participate in Association events for their chance to win substantial cash and prizes based on their annual accomplishments.
The establishment of a Catfishing Hall Of Fame
Youth education programs
Seminar subject matter and training
Development and implementation of the new ACA has been underway now for many months. The target date to make available the American Catfishing Association™ to the public will take place sometime in the summer of 2020. Fortunately advanced efforts have secured development objectives such as conceptual branding, formalizing trademark applications, securing the online identification URLs and social media outlets and securing an amazing membership benefit package that will give members access to over 700,000 discounts from thousands of brands, retailers, services, hotels, travel services and restaurants. On average we estimate that alone the ACA Membership Discount Program will save its members well over $1000.00 annually.
A significant and proud endorsement of our efforts is that we’re honored to announce the legendary Bill Dance as the organization's first charter member, spokesman and ambassador.
The imperative objective currently underway is to complete our development and construction of the ACA dynamic, yet easy to use web presents that will be a significant public resource, but more so service the association’s membership.
The support of industry leaders has been the greatest asset to bring the new ACA to fruition. Without their dedicated resources and concerted effort to unify the catfishing segment of the recreational fishing industry, catfishing would remain fragmented resulting in continuous dismissal of validity.
A unified segment means we as an industry segment will become empowered to command conservation reform, industry recognition and synergy. The greatest benefit will come to the recreational angler providing them with education, segment interest and mainstream acceptance. Through these efforts, anglers throughout the country will learn that catfishing is a sport that can be as enjoyable and respected as any other segment.
Organizational reform only comes to those that are willing to unify and put forth the effort. The American Catfishing Association™ has been designed to progress the sport of catfishing and to offer its members the very best of services and benefits. The ACA, with the assistance of the catfishing community we’re confident will quickly prove to be a leading segment of the sport of fishing. With the assistance and commitment by those that have the confidence and the vision, soon every angler that enjoys the sport of catfishing will be proud to show and state they are a member of the American Catfishing Association™.
We look forward to your membership and to be of service!

*All New Members Will Receive An Annual Membership Decal,
An Official ACA Cap And A Personalized Membership Card
*Limited Memberships will receive a membership card only.